Lisa Dawn Hamilton Lisa Dawn Hamilton

Episode 50 - The Pill, Your Partner(s) and You

Have you seen the many media articles or talk shows that say being on hormonal contraceptives can make you choose the “wrong” partner? Have you ever wondered if this was true? I realized it was high time that I investigate this research to see how the pill affects who we choose. On this episode, I delve into the research on genetic compatibility, hormonal changes on the pill, whether or not any of this matters when choosing a partner, and how smelly t-shirts factor in.

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Lisa Dawn Hamilton Lisa Dawn Hamilton

Episode 47 - Is Love a Drug?

Infatuation. Limerence. New relationship energy. All are words for the intense, sometimes overwhelming feelings people experience in new relationships. This feeling can feel like a drug. There is euphoria when you are with the person and withrawal symptoms when you are not. Others have said the infatuation shares symptoms with obsessive-compulsive disorder. Is love a drug? Is it like OCD? In this episode, we examine the research to see what we know about love.

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Lisa Dawn Hamilton Lisa Dawn Hamilton

Episode 36 - Oxytocin: What’s Love Got to Do With It?

If you have heard of oxytocin before, you have probably heard about it as “the love hormone” or “the cuddle hormone.” Oxytocin has other nicknames too. It’s called the morality molecule, the hug hormone, and also the racism hormone. But how can one hormone do all those things?

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Lisa Dawn Hamilton Lisa Dawn Hamilton

Episode 31 - Intersex: Beyond the Binary

Humans brains like to put things into neat mental boxes, but the world is not neat and doesn't fit easily into categories. Most people don't know that biological sex can be something other than male or female, but there are millions of people who are intersex. It's shocking that there is not more awareness about intersex, and in this episode, I aim to increase that awareness.

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Lisa Dawn Hamilton Lisa Dawn Hamilton

Episode 30 - What Does It Mean to Be Emasculated?

What comes to mind when you think of emasculation? If you are like most people, you probably think about it metaphorically. My guest on this episode, Dr. Richard Wassersug studies emasculation in the literal sense. He studies people who remove their testicles by choice (a.k.a. voluntary eunuchs) and those who are chemically castrated through testosterone suppressing drugs. Listen in on this fascinating interview of the world of emasculation that most people have never thought of.

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