sex toys Lisa Dawn Hamilton sex toys Lisa Dawn Hamilton

Episode 33 - Sex Toys & Safety

Toys, while once highly taboo, have been increasing in popularity and visibility over the last two decades. But did you know that the sex toy industry is completely unregulated? My guest on today’s podcast, Sarah Brynn Holliday is a sex toy safety expert. Sarah will share info on how to know which toys are safe, where to buy toys from, and what might work for you if you are looking for your first toy.

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Lisa Dawn Hamilton Lisa Dawn Hamilton

Episode 32 - Sex, Stress, and COVID (Crossover with Succeed Under Stress podcast)

For this episode, I am flipping things a bit and playing an episode of the Succeed Under Stress podcast where I was interviewed by my friend, clinical psychologist, and podcast host Dr. Jonathan Horowitz. We talked about stress and sex with a focus on how COVID affects our sex lives. Tune in to hear me unscripted and offering sex tips during times of COVID.

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