Episode 23 – Should you Stop Masturbating?
On this episode of Do We Know Things? I dig into the history of NoFap, examine some of the research informing it, and look at how white supremacists embrace abstinence from masturbation.
Episode 22 - Virginity isn’t Real
What is virginity? Judging by the media, it's a pretty big deal! Hundreds of songs are written about it. Every TV teen drama has that very special episode where the two leads decide to do it (or not). Whole movies are based on the premis of horny guys trying to "get some" for the first time. But what if I told you virginity isn't real? That's right! Despite everything you've watched, listened to, and read about virginity being this huge deal... it's not a thing.
Episode 21 - The Pros and Cons of Porn
Porn is a hot topic that brings up a lot of emotions. The increase in availability of porn has also been associated with an increase in arguments about whether or not porn is harmful. This question comes from concerns about the treatment of performers in porn, people becoming addicted to porn, and porn ruining our sex lives and relationships. On this episode, I will explore what we do and do not know about the pros and cons of porn.
Episode 20 - All About the Clitoris
Although it is slowly changing, there is so much the average person does not know about the clitoris. Although one "fact" that gets repeated again and again is that there are 8,000 nerve endings in the clitoris. It has been completely meme-ified. But, is that true? On this episode I will talk about the anatomical details of the clitoris (all of it!), what we do and don’t know about clitoral nerves, and why we know so little!
Episode 19 - Awkward Questions from Confused Guys
So much of sex advice and information is targeted to straight, cisgender women, except, of course, for penis enlargement and boner pills. That is just spammed in a constant stream at anyone who might have a penis. Online, most of the sex educators with big YouTube channels and Instagram followings are mostly women with mostly women following them. Today I am joined by resident man, Matt Tunnacliffe who is going ask a bunch of questions that many confused straight guys might want to know about.
Episode 18 - Let’s talk about shame
On this episode, I am joined by clinical psychologist Dr. Nanci Argueta to talk about shame and the terrible mix of shame and sex. It’s enough to make you squirm in your seat in discomfort. We also talk a lot about the work of Brene Brown, the shame research who I believe is going to save us all.
Episode 17 - HPV: Fear and misunderstanding
Do you remember when there was a media frenzy about oral sex and cancer after actor Michael Douglas said his oral cancer was caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV) that he contracted from cunnilingus? Is it true that oral sex causes cancer? I am joined today by Julia Kaufmann, a Mount Allison University Bell Scholar Intern who is working with me this summer. She dug up all the dirt on the Michael Douglas drama. After we get to the gossip, I will also get into the research to cover the info that you actually need to know about HPV, a virus that’s gotten a lot of attention over the past decade and a half, but is still widely misunderstood
Episode 16 - Rethinking Justice fo Sexual Assault
On today’s episode, I want to talk about the problems with dealing with sexual assault in the current legal system, discuss alternatives through restorative justice, and think about what justice actually is. I am joined by restorative justice educator David Castro-Harris from Amplify RJ and a Mia Hunte, a circle keeper with Hidden Water NYC.
Episode 15 - Consent and Rejection
In this second episode in the 3-part series on sexual assault, I interview Karen BK Chan, an emotional intelligence, diversity, and sexuality educator from Toronto. BK talks about learning to feel our feelings, developing strategies to deal with rejection, and guilt resiliency. Everyone needs to hear what BK has to say!
Episode 14 - Sexual Assault: Stats and Stories
Join me as I dive into the stats but also talk more about the culture that breeds sexual assault and some of my personal stories of dealing with sexual assault. This is the first in a 3-part series on sexual assault.
Episode 13 - Random Topics for Strange Times
Instead of my usual deep-dive into a single subject, this episode will focus on three separate questions that don’t require a whole show to answer, but are still topics I wanted to investigate. First, I talk about the rumour that a sneeze is 1/10 of an orgasm. Second, I explore research on erogenous zones. Finally, I share my frustration about a menstrual cycle fact! I am joined this episode by Dr. Shelly Colette who makes the whole thing more fun, and offers her expertise about rituals!
Episode 12 - The History and Mystery of the IUD
Intrauterine Devices (IUDs) are the greatest thing ever created, according to Lisa Dawn Hamilton. It is the most effective method of preventing pregnancy that has ever been created, and it lasts up to 10 years! It’s amazing! But the IUD was not always held in such high esteem. Listen now as I satisfy my curiosity about IUDs, figure out where they went wrong, and talk about why they are so right (for me at least).
Episode 11 - To Pee or Not to Pee
Yet another episode on messages women get from the media! This time I am looking at whether or not people with vaginas need to pee after sex to prevent urinary tract/bladder infections. Most people I know are aware of the peeing-after-sex rule for the care and keeping of the urinary tract. But, is this true? Does peeing actually help stave off the agonizing hell of a UTI? If you have ever read any sort of media targeted at women, you will definitely think the answer is yes! But what does the research say? Listen now to find out! I will also delve into to other UTI-related topics like what causes them? And can you drown a UTI in cranberry juice to cure it?
Episode 10 - COVID-19, Sex, and Relationships
It seems like all anyone can talk about these days is the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. One way I thought I could add a voice of reason to the discussions about COVID-19 is to talk about some of the information about COVID-19, sex and relationships that I have seen circulating around on the internet. Like, oh my god, having sex or masturbating will not actually protect you from COVID-19. C’mon people! I will also talk about New York City’s safer sex memo, and some research on relationships and on loneliness.
Episode 09 - What's a Kegel Anyway?
Kegel exercises are the flexing and releasing of the muscles a specific set of muscles in your pelvic region. These exercises are supposed to strengthen the area around the vagina so you don’t pee when your sneeze, so your uterus doesn’t fall out of your vagina after you give birth, and so you can tightly grip a penis inside of you. Are Kegels the miracle exercise they are made out to be? And are cisgender women the only ones who are supposed to Kegel? Find out on this episode of Do We Know Things? where I talk to Pelvic Floor Physiotherapist Katie Kelly about all things pelvic floor, including if we really need to do Kegels, childbirth, and peeing when we sneeze.
Episode 08 - Abortion Feelings
What are the feelings people have after having an abortion? In the sex education field, we say that abortion is part of mental health care and that most people are relieved after the have an abortion. Anti-choice groups want us to think that abortions are psychologically harmful. It is important that the misinformation be addressed with the actual research with actual people. On this episode of “Do We Know Things?” I will dig into the data of some well-designed studies that address feelings and outcomes after abortion, and I will also talk about the harm caused by abortion stigma.
Episode 07 - What do you need to know about abortion?
Abortion is a part of reproductive healthcare. As a sex educator and a feminist, I know how important it is for people to be able to control their reproductive lives. I often talk about sex being a taboo topic that people avoid discussing, but abortion is talked about even less! This leads to misunderstandings, misconceptions, and stigma around abortion. We'll talk access, politics and the law concerning your right to choose with Tasia Alexopoulos, who will take us through a crash course in what we need to know about abortion.
Episode 06 – Who Wants Sex More?
It's a widely-endorsed stereotype that you'll find everywhere from great literature to teen romantic comedies. Men of all sexual orientations being complete lust monsters while women are vanguards of purity. On this episode we'll dive into the research on gender and lust, check our cultural biases, and see what we can learn from the animal kingdom.
Episode 05 – Does Testosterone Make You Horny?
Do We Know Things about antidepressants and sex? Let’s find out!
Episode 04: Depression, Anti-depressants, and Sex
Roughly 7% of Canadians and 12% of Americans are taking antidepressant meds like Prozac or Zoloft. In this episode we'll sift through the research to find out what actually happens to our sexual function when we take antidepressants.