Episode 25 - The Hair Down There

After a recent convo with a friend about pubic hair. I realized I didn't know where the current trend of pubic hair removal started, even though I thought I did! This led me to think of all the other pubic hair things I had heard over the years. Does pubic hair serve a protective factor? Does removing your pubic hair increase risk for STIs or other problems? What about crabs (a.k.a pubic lice)? Pubic hair, or the lack thereof, is a hot topic, and I clearly didn’t know much about it. On this episode, I am going to take you with me as I explore the world of pubes. I am going to cover the origins of the Brazillian wax, pubic hair through the ages, and how pubic deforestation affects pubic lice.

Pubic Hair! What do we know? Do we know things? Let's find out!

Find the script for this episode here

Music and editing Jeremy Dahl https://www.palebluedot.ca/

Script assistance by Matt Tunnacliffe


Episode 26 - Anniversary Episode: Top 5 Sex Myths and More!


Episode 24 – Orgasms Do Not Equal Satisfaction