Episode 26 - Anniversary Episode: Top 5 Sex Myths and More!

Did you know Do We Know Things? is officially one year old!? To celebrate, I’m going to revisit a few topics from the last year, including the Top 5 sex myths I have busted over the past year! I also have more info about merkins, pubic hair, and art as an update from the last epsiode. And I’ll be speaking with Tasia Alexopoulos from the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada about developments in abortion access and rights since we last spoke.

What do we know? Do we know things? Let’s find out!

Links mentioned in the episode:

Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada https://www.arcc-cdac.ca/

Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights https://www.actioncanadashr.org/

Find the script for this episode here

Music and editing Jeremy Dahl https://www.palebluedot.ca/

Script assistance by Matt Tunnacliffe

Thanks to Dr. Anne Koval for art history info


Episode 27 - Biology of Sex


Episode 25 - The Hair Down There