Episode 29 - The Joy of Vibrators

Have you heard the story of how and why vibrators were invented? If so, it’s probably wrong. What about risks of desensitization from vibrators? That’s a myth too. There are so many myths surrounding vibrators! This episode will challenge those myth with evidence, and I will also throw in some sex toy store recommendations.

Vibrators! What do we know? Do we know things? Let’s find out!

Find the script for this episode here.

Music and editing Jeremy Dahl https://www.palebluedot.ca/

Script assistance by Matt Tunnacliffe

The Percuteur (aka Granville’s Hammer), plus it’s battery pack. From Granville (1883).

Granville's Hammer.jpg


Episode 30 - What Does It Mean to Be Emasculated?


Episode 28 - Myths of Men’s Sexual Desire